A Good Deed Done
One Of The Corporal Works Of Mercy In Action
Christmas Boxes For The Homeless
The YRC would like to thank all those who supported the cake sales on the 3rd October and the 14th November in and around the Newbury area, and to all those who assisted in making these small Christmas gifts for the homeless. It was a great success and we managed to raise more than enough money to provide supplies to make up twenty Bethlehem boxes.
Shoe boxes were donated by parish members, they were wrapped in Christmas themes by willing volunteers of the YRC, and then filled with essential items including toiletries and some basic food items as well as some Christmas treats.
Despite our best efforts and due to the restrictions in place, it was not possible to meet the groups we intended, and therefore were unable to directly hand out the Bethlehem boxes to the homeless at the Winchester shelter, as initially was planned.
So, we came up with an alternative plan to make sure the donated funds went to a charitable cause. Our attention was directed to the local Newbury soup kitchen, who were able to distribute the Christmas boxes on our behalf. They were very grateful and impressed by the outstanding work achieved by the YRC and offered us to come as meet them at their main base and get a feel for the work they do.
Local YRC Leaders went to meet the head organiser of the soup kitchen, who gave them a quick overview of the charitable works they do, including providing essential meals at least three times a week to the homeless, as well as offering some type of accommodation for those who need it. It was a very enlightening experience to witness the sacrifices made by our local community to help those in need; they were very appreciative of your contributions.