Talks about the Catholic Faith

This collection of nearly 200 free talks is currently being made available as a playlist on Soundcloud.


What We Catholics Believe by Daphne McLeod

Daphne McLeod taught for forty years in Catholic Junior and primary schools, daily teaching Religious Education. As a member of the Catholic Evidence Guild, and friend of Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward, she spoke regularly at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park. Her edifying presentation in these quality recordings is ideally suitable for parents and teachers who are trying to teach children the Faith. 
(15 x 40 mins)

Ye Shall Know the Truth by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

"Do you know your faith? Will your children know their faith? Will they ever really know the heritage that was purchased for them on Calvary?"
(50 x 25 mins, 1980)

Rev. Hugh Thwaites, S.J.

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine

A series of talks on Christian Doctrine by the celebrated convert, Rev. Hugh Thwaites S.J. (pruduced by by Arthur Johnson).
(6 x 50 mins)


This will make you eager to receive "the sacrament which is dearest to the Heart of Our Lord".
(5 x 10 mins; 1 x 94 mins)

The Mystery of Faith

A beautiful explanation of the Mass.
(8 x 10 mins)

The Rosary

"We have to get used in this life, to breathing the air of Heaven. We need to pray, not only for a reasonable space of time each day, but we also need to pray about the right things". The full sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary are included.
(6 x 10 mins)

Our Glorious Faith and How to Lose It

"This is rather a flippant title for a very serious subject, but the fact is that some people do treat their faith flipppantly. Faith must be exercised, like muscles. Every time we go to Mass, or pray, or make any sacrifice for God, it is all exercising our Faith."
(9 x 15 mins)

The Spoken New Testament translated by Mgr. Ronald Knox

The Knox translation of the New Testament has much to recommend it for its lucid style and freshness, and for clarifying many of the passages that were obscure in former translations. It lends itself admirably to the requirements of the listener. (Production by Arthur Johnson)
(7 x 90–150 mins)

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis

After the bible, there is no sounder spiritual reading than The Imitation of Christ. It encourages us gently, yet with firmness, to follow Christ more faithfully, and shows us how to do it. Fifteen minutes a day would give us a balanced spiritual diet. Since it was written, early in the fifteenth century, thousands of editions and translations have appeared. (Production by Arthur Johnson)
(6 x 70 mins)

Pascendi Dominici Gregis by Pope St. Pius X

St. Pius X's 1907 encyclical on the doctrines of the Modernists. This has been officially out of print for years. One would think that it, and its author never existed. Fortunately, it was written in a manner which is ideal for spoken-word production. It is clear, forthright, concise, descriptive, it is like a mountain stream in a desert, with a reputation of miraculously curing spiritual blindness.
(3 x 55 min)

Mortalium Animos by Pope Pius XI

Ecumenism means different things to different people. here Pope Pius XI tells us what it means in the mind of the Church.
(44 mins)

The Way of the Cross

"Of all the ways of meditating on the Passion, this must be about the easiest."
(60 mins)

Mysterium Fidei

Talk by Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J. on Pope Paul VI's 1965 encyclical on the Holy Eucharist.
(91 mins)

The Spiritual World

Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J. shows the prudent Catholic Attitude: in times when Christ's redeeming truth was taught uncompromisingly, people were more aware of the supernatural world. Today there is much confusion and much misguided curiosity. Talk by Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J.
(74 minutes)

Voices from Heaven?

Satan can work all manner of wonders—ecstacies, levitations, luminous phenomena, unusual noises, predictions, speaking in strange tongues, pious homilies and invitations to prayer and fasting. Talk by Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J.
(94 mins)

War Memoirs of an Amateur by Rev. Hugh Thwaites, S.J.

"In that first letter home, I told my parents I had become a Catholic since leaving England, and that, in spite of everything (42 months as a POW in Changi Prison and Siam), I'd had the happiest three and a half years of my life."
(2 x 90 mins)

Retreats by Rev. Bernard Basset, S.J.

Parliament of the Saints
(8 x 30 mins)

A weekend with Cardinal Newman
(14 x 30 mins)

A weekend with Sir Thomas More
(7 x 30 mins)

From the bicentennial to the tricentennial — beginnings of the Faith in the New World
(8 x 25 mins)

Michael Davies


Talk on the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission.
(35 mins)

Catechetical Revolution

Talk on the crisis of faith and authority in the religious education of Catholics since Vatican II.

(82 mins)

Catholic Education

Two conferences on the errors of catechesis post-Vatican II—the first given by David Foster and the second by Michael Davies.
(99 mins)

The Eternal Sacrifice

A history of the Roman rite of the Mass, "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven" (Fr Faber), which "I could hear forever without tiring" (Cardinal Newman) and its deconstruction in the liturgical revolution of the twentieth century.
(85 mins)

Liturgy Divided

Lex orandi, lex credendi. A brief overview of the divergences between the Mass of the ages and the Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI.
(74 mins)


A brief overview of the modernist movement, "the synthesis of all heresies (Pius X), some of its key figures and its impact on the Church.
(75 mins)

Original Sin

An overview of the Catholic doctrine of original sin, which modernists have made a concerted effort to remove from catechesis since Vatican II.
(94 mins)

Vatican II

A general look at the disastrous consequences of the action taken by priests and bishops following the Second Vatican Council
(80 mins)

Talks about Fatima

The Urgency of Fatima, Hamish Fraser

"In the meantime, Russia continues to spread her errors throughout the world, as prophesied at Fatima, and the most effective way is throughout the Church."
(55 mins, 1983)

Fatima, twentieth century prophecy, Rev. Joseph de Sainte Marie OCD

"The message of Fatima has been and will be a sign of contradiction. It is misunderstood, it is resisted. To undertake any theological or apostolic work to make this message better known is to embrace difficulties. It is one of the sacrifices asked for by Our Lady".
(75 mins, 1982)

Whatever happened to Fatima? by Dr. William. A. Marra Ph.D

"Fatima speaks, first of all, of the vision of Hell, a most unpopular topic in the last twenty-five years."
(90 mins)

Fatima, Light of the World, Dr. William. A. Marra Ph.D

"Almost like a script, the predictions and warnings have been acted out, and we find ourselves in an incredible valley of darkness".
(80 mins)

Mary's Peace Plan, Fr.Vincent Miceli S.J.

"So here you have Our Lady trying to turn a whole world that is moving and rushing towards Atheism, away from God, by her Peace Plan at Fatima".
(44 mins)

Fatima, a Millenial Warning, Anthony Fraser

Editor of Apropos Anthony Fraser gives one of the most explicit expositions of Fatima in the light of the last months of the twentieth century. In many points, he refers to the writings of M. Arnaud de Lassus".
(82 mins, 1999)

Fatima, the Perfect Answer to Liberalism, Stephen Smith

"The Angel tells the children, when asking them to offer prayers and sacrifices in reparation for sins:'The most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you'. This love by the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary is totally opposed to today's notion that sacrifice is out, and that 'creating a better community' is our task".
(67 mins)

Marian Apparitions narrated by John Patrick Smith

But Nobody Listens

This dramatised presentation links together the main apparitions of Our Lady during the last 150 years: apparitions that have further clarified further the devotion to her Immaculate Heart in conjunction with that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
(77 mins)

The Lady Said

On 11 February 1858, an event happened in Lourdes which was to transform it into a place of pilgrimage, visted by millions each year.
(54 mins)

Oh Yes ... I Saw Her

A sequel to The Lady Said, it tells of the later life of St.Bernadette in the convent of St.Gildard in Nevers, France.
(74 mins)

Oh! What A Beautiful Lady

Our Lady appeared at Fatima, Portugal, each month for the six months prior to the October Revolution in Russia. On 13 October 1917, a miracle, which was foretold, took place in front of more than 70,000 people.
(93 mins)

And Then He Smiled

The story of Maximillian Kolbe, who used the talents of his 761 Franciscan confrères in a massive departmentalised organisation combining editorial, typography, linography, printing, building, and domestic departments and a radio station all in the service of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He sealed his witness for Her at Auschwitz by offering himself as a replacement for a condemned man.
(70 mins)

Dr. William A. Marra

Our Lady in the Parish

If you kill love for the Blessed Virgin, or you kill faith in Her, you will still retain your Christo-centric religion—for a while, but even that will eventually go.
(3 x 30 mins)

How Absolute is Conscience?

The liberal mind, with its rationalistic approach to doctrine, has lost sight of the supernatural nature of the Church's teaching.
(3 x 30 mins)

Cults, as opposed to genuine Religious Orders

Parallels are often drawn, by the press, between entry into, say, the Moonies, and Religious Orders. There is a world of difference.
(3 x 30 mins)

Errors in Biblical Exegesis

It would be a miracle if one found a professor of scripture who believes what he teaches.
(3 x 30 mins)

The Distraction of Evolution

The chief proof that many scientists allege for Evolution often rests in their own atheistic assumptions.
(2 x 30 mins)

The Family under Siege

Every child deserves, and every child needs the security of a peaceful home, with both parents present... Now, half the children are raised in a family where one or the other parent is missing.
(78 mins)

What is happening in the Catholic Church?

The institutional means of handing down the Faith are in the hands of the enemy. The young, baptized Catholic is heir to the richest inheritance possible, but defrauded of it.
(3 x 30 mins)

The Sacred Liturgy Under Attack

If we are looking at an attack on the liturgy, we have to look within the Church, and not outside. this is a kind of civil war.
(3 x 25 mins)

A Critical Look at Secular Humanism

To a Humanist there is only Nature. No God, no eternity, nothing but silence and emptiness and a kind of icy dread.
(75 mins)

A Selection of talks from Damien Walne and Joan Flory

St. Therese of Lisieux: Love is all you need

One of the greatest Saints of the Catholic Church, she died, unknown, aged 24, in a French Convent, but her fame spread like fire.
(53 mins)

Walsingham: Our Lady's Dowry

Walsingham is one of the oldest shrines in Christendom. Our Lady promised to help all who sought her there, and pilgrims have flocked there over the centuries. Walsingham will figure in the eventual conversion of this country. Narrated by Tim Matthewstalk.
(37 mins)

I am the Virgin of the Poor: the story of Our Lady of Banneux

The name Banneux stems from the word banal meaning "common-place", the hamlet that was built on marshy land reserved for the poor. Narrated by Jaqueline Owen
(53 mins)

G.K. Chesterton: 150th Anniversary Conference, 1 June 2024

Peter Bevan: Introduction

Peter Newman: G. K. Chesterton's Life & Works 

Blaise Compton: History Past, Present and Future in the Works of G. K. Chesterton

Kennedy Hall: Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton

Peter Bevan: Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton

Dr Wojciech Golonka: The Thomistic Theology of G. K. Chesterton

Fr David Sherry: The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton

Fr Håkan Lindström: The Philosophy of G. K. Chesterton

Stuart McCullough: The Cause for the Beatification of G. K. Chesterton

Other talks

War in Heaven

Two-part talk by Rod Pead, editor of Christian Order.
(2 x 35 mins, 2000)

Pro Ecclesia Conference

2004 conference on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Speakers: Dom Alcuin Reed, Fr. Martin Edwards, Fr. Andrew Wandsworth, Dr. Nancy Morris. Concluded with a panel discussion.
(5 x 50 min)

The Da Vinci Code - The Da Vinci Hoax by Michael Akerman

Pro Fide Forum talk.
(60 mins)

Where is the Ecumenism Virus taking us? by Anthony Fraser

Pro Fide Forum talk.
(79 mins)


Traditional Latin Mass

A video of a traditional Latin Mass at Seminary of Saint Cure d'Ars, Flavigny, France, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 1999. Best viewed in less than full screen for better definition.
(63 mins)